DAY 356
TREE 181 & 182
On a windy late afternoon I decided it would be best to climb the two trees in the wooded lot behind my parents’ house.

I walked out the back door, across the tennis court, and hopped the wooden fence. I went between the growing stick piles and then to the right of the collapsing old barn. I weaved through the trees and thorny bushes towards the edge of the lot by 393.

I stood below the small and large trees and saw the pink ribbon on a large limb of the tall poplar tree. The first time I climbed the small tree I went up like on a rope using mostly my arms. This time I tried a different method. The two trunks were close enough for me to wedge myself between them. I started with my back against the large trunk and my feet pressed against the small one. I got only about a foot before I felt like it wouldn’t last. I dropped back down and tried one hand and foot on one trunk and the other hand and foot on the second trunk. That way if I fell I could land on my feet and roll. I pressed hard against the trunks with my hands and quickly raised my feet. Then I’d push out with my legs and raise my hands. I repeated this with some nervousness as the ground went further away. At about 15 feet I could finally reach the first branch and I hung from my grip, relieved I made it without a slip.
From there it was routine climbing from limb to limb on the small tree until I reached my transfer point. The largest limb of the big poplar crossed over me. I reached out my left foot into where this limb comes out from the trunk. I shifted my weight over and this time, when the small tree bent away from me increasing my leg split, I expected it. I grabbed tightly to the large branch and released my grip and foothold from the small tree.
From there I moved up around the left side of the trunk.

I stopped where my ribbon was tied, took it off

and scanned for higher climbing,

but found nothing. I took pictures

and a video of the tall tree swaying in the wind. Then I put the camera away and stood there to enjoy the gusts of wind that moved the massive poplar.

I looked at all the rubbed off bark and scars from where the limbs of the small and large trees cross. Then I took my camera out once more to take some pictures of myself.

I had shaved my beard this morning leaving a mustache and side burns.

I knew I wasn’t going to keep the stache so I thought I’d record it. When that silliness was over I climbed back down the large tree, transferred to the small one and slid down the trunk. I didn’t improve on my height but I used a new method of entry which was fun and successful.
3-30-09: If I have funny facial hair I have to make a funny face in pictures. I am not really sure what I was going for in those. Obvisouly, I can’t grow a stache very well. I really wish I could grow one of those thick, bushy Einstein staches. Or a nice handlebar. My problem is, when I have hair there I want to chew on them if they fit in my mouth. Just better for me not to have one.
I didn’t include the video I made because it was really boring.
March 25th 2009. Wednesday. There are soccer fields on River Road just West of Zorn. Some trees grow on the edges of the fence that I have seen driving by but have never stopped to give them a closer look. With some time to kill before parkour I biked down River Road and locked my bike up on the fence. I walked down the edge of the fence looking at all the trees around me. None were popping out at me at all. I looked in the distance at the corner edge of the soccer fields and there were two towering trees that called to me. As I got closer I was trying to determine if there was a way to get up into the higher branches. The closer I got the worse it looked. I knew when I was at the base of the trunks there was no way. Just beyond the soccer fields is an old golf course. I started to walk on the property and saw a big tree in the distance. I was drawn to that as well and started to head straight for it when I saw a man in the distance in an orange vest. He looked like a grounds worker and I didn’t want a hassle so I turned right around and walked back to the corner of the soccer fields. I had to figure something out. I jumped the fence and followed the inside edge of the fence towards the back of the soccer fields by the edge of I-71.

I saw some tall trees by the highway and figured it was this or nothing because I was running out of time.
I found a path between the fence by the creek

and walked through the weeds to the base of the third and final tree that called to me that day.

This one was it. I could see a path, and no one was around to make me nervous. I climbed up the branches to the top

and there were all these tiny green and red helicopters forming on the ends of the limbs.

I took my camera out and shot images of the cars whizzing by on the interstate.

Having been spotted by cars on the highway before I was hoping the other trees would hide me more here. I shot a picture of the old golf course,

the soccer fields,

and the views beyond.

There was a game going on in a distant field and could hear the screams and screeches of little children.

Then when I was all done I climbed back down. I was watching out for cop cars but none showed. I unlocked my bike and rode off down River Road toward the Waterfront Park warmed and ready for parkour.