
This has been my favorite climb so far. The tree was just on the edge of a creek and leaned right over it. Though I was quite sore from yesterday’s activities, I climbed very high. There were no leaves yet, only these small buds at the ends of the branches. I relaxed on my perch, and though I was scared, I felt extremely comfortable, content, and amazed with the view down to the creek.

4-9-08: It was pretty amazing how I managed to climb being so sore that day. I mean I was in so much pain I could barely walk, stairs were practically impossible, and I struggled to get to that tree on the other side of the lake at the Mount. But after I started climbing my muscles loosened up and I felt so much better. That is when I first noticed the healing properties of tree climbing.

Yesterday I went out around the house again to climb and practice some parkour. I brought my camera along and made some videos. I figure I need to start making videos to get better for future art projects. All the videos below are unedited. I need to start working on that too.

I’ll go chronologically-
Here I am in my parents’ back yard. On the other side of the fence is an empty wooded lot with one collapsing barn. It has not been developed because the protected turkey buzzard has a nest in that barn. Sorry for the camera shake, I attached it the fence I was jumping on.

This next one is a video of my climb yesterday.

Here is a nice wall to practice wall passes. Unfortunately the camera drooped and you see little of me. I kinda like the angle though.

This little area was great for creek jumping, a fun game I’ve been playing since I knew what a creek was. That second jump hurt my shin quite a bit.

And finally, I recreated my three tree climb from Sunday. Enjoy.