
The tree I climbed today, I didn’t actually climb. It had fallen, died, and was starting to break apart. I started at the base of the trunk and walked up the tree using the branches to steady myself. Though I was never too far from the ground, I was nervous that a branch would break and I would fall. Sideways trees are also much bouncier than vertical ones. A few minutes after, I found a dead, mostly bones deer body. It was sunny and warm.

4-10-08:  I hated having to make the image above so small but to fit it on the page I had to.  If you strain your eyes on the far right part of the image you can see the orange speck where I tied my ribbon.  I chose this tree because I was even more sore this day than the day before.

As for the deer body, besides my strange syntax on how I described it, it was pretty cool.  I took some pictures.