
I had a great day at Cherokee Park today. I parked by Dog Hill and waited for a pause in the thunderstorm. When it did, I picked a huge, leafless tree in a large grassy field. I had to be particularly careful since the branches were wet and slippery. I didn’t get too high because of that. I then walked around the park to look for good spots for my wedding. I found some interesting possibilities. Then I drove to Big Rock and by this point it was sunny and warm. The creek was rushing from the storm so I stepped out on the rocks to watch the trash flow by. Then I went to The Big Rock and got as low to the water as I could. In a few minutes the water level rose and I had to get up higher. When I went back to the stones I had been on 10 minutes prior, they were underneath water.

4-11-08: Later that day I drove through hail to H&R Block to sign my taxes. My mom works there and had just called to inform me they were completed. I was lucky it didn’t start hailing when I was out on the rocks.

Yesterday I took Will’s advice and made some time lapse videos. I just went out to the front yard of my parents’ house and made one of me climbing up one little tree, and coming down another.

Then I made another video of a three tree transfer.  I had shot it once but the angle of the camera didn’t catch the action up high so I repositioned it and did it again.  Those moments on the middle tree were very scary because my muscles had gotten so tired.  And I was amazed I did it.  Thanks to that guy’s video of small tree transfers I was able to do it myself.  It’s like when nobody thought a sub 4 minute mile was possible until Roger Bannister did it.  Then 46 days later someone else did it, and now the record is around 3:41.

Sorry it’s sideways, I need to get a conversion program to make my .MOV files into .AVI to edit them. Any suggestions?

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