TREE 10As I get to know more people at the Mary Anderson Center I find myself just stopping by to say hi. So today I went down to the clay studio to say hello to Norman. I told him I was headed to climb a tree for the day. So I chose the first tree I saw, right behind the studio. It didn’t have any low branches I could reach by the trunk. So I used a branch that bent down about 10 feet out from the trunk. I shimmied up and then kept climbing as high as I could. I got up near the very top, which was higher than the old barn but not higher than the silo. I enjoyed the view, the warm sunshine, and then headed down. I was scared, but I feel as though I’m getting more comfortable. Especially with my confidence in myself physically to get up, get down, and not get hurt. It was a good climb. Dirty, high, and challenging.
4-13-08: This is Norman:
He’s throwing on a wheel at the clay studio at the Mary Anderson Center.
This is the MACA website: (this site no longer exists, find info here)
That’s me on the Residencies/Fellowships page of the website. I’m talking to resident writers Beth Dalton, Margie Dimoplon, and Dr. Larry Myers. I had just climbed a tree and we were talking about it. (No site therefore no more pic 🙁 )Yesterday was Thunder Over Louisville. It is the largest fireworks display in North America. (Take that Canada and Mexico!) It is also the opening festival for the Kentucky Derby. Some friends and I went to the water front to watch. Here are some pictures that do the experience no justice:
I did climb a tree at a house in Butchertown which is a neighborhood near downtown. It was Maryliz’s birthday and we had a party/cook out. Maryliz is Drew’s girlfriend. Drew is a high school friend. Drew and I are looking for a place to live in Louisville.
If this is your first visit to my blog, welcome and please go to my first entry and read my introduction. Thanks.
Author: Todd Smith
Hi! I am an interdisciplinary artist and committed educator.
From 2007-2010 I climbed a tree everyday and documented the project with photography, video and writing on this blog. I am revisiting the trees and writing again starting March 2018. Stay tuned.
My work considers our collective impact on the urban environment. Projects range from community-based, data-driven projects interpreting bike usage into sound, photography and video series exploring human movement through urban structures and green spaces, and interactive sculptures that vary in their use of found materials, analog technologies, and emerging digital media.
I currently teach a variety of 2D, 3D and digital subjects at universities in the Louisville, Kentucky area.