DAY 251

DAY 251
TREE 175

Today was incredibly warm.  It got up to 74 degrees and I stupidly wore my long johns.  But at work it wasn’t that bad.  It was nice to be outside in a t-shirt working in the warm sun.  Then I got home and mom wanted to the leaves out front since the weather was nice.  I hesitated but agreed to help.  I suggested we blow the leaves into piles and rake them into a can and dump them.  So we got started.  Half way through I was sweating, working harder than I had all day.  I just couldn’t take it anymore and ripped off my boots, my pants, and my long johns right in the back yard by the tennis court.  Legs shouldn’t sweat that much.  I put my pants and boots back on and finished the job.  It wore me out!  After eating pizza I passed out in the living room.  I was supposed to go into Louisville and meet Michelle to go over my Zephyr Gallery Apprenticeship application, but I could barely keep my eyes open.  I crawled out of the lazyboy onto the floor and willed myself to my feet.  I had to go.  I got ready, drove to a gas station and bought a big energy drink.  I chugged it on my way to the rest stop off I-71.  There I parked and walked around looking for a tree.  I was still a little groggy and was wondering when this drink would kick in. 

Across the parking lot from the buildings were a row of oaks. 

They had big trunks and high limbs.  But one had a hanging limb.  I tested its strength and it was good so I lifted my feet and went inward.  This tree was full of poking twigs and suckers.  I just broke as many as I could to clear a path. 

That’s the only thing that slowed me down.  I climbed all the way to the top and got myself into a nice seated position. 

I tied the ribbon and took pictures.  Right around the tree was too dark to get any views down but I got some great shots of the cars going by on the interstate. 

At the top I finally started to feel awake and began to appreciate this warm weather.  Then I climbed down.  At that bottom limb I chose to drop instead of go out to the end.  When I dropped I saw a guy smoking next to his car look in my direction.  As I approached he said, "you must really like trees."  I told him about my project and he said something about me having a very specialized skill.  Then I wished him well and went on my way.  It’s always great to have people interested in the climbing and not worried or concerned.

12-15-08:  I could take a couple days in the 70’s.  It’s been a pretty cold fall this year.  Norm and I were supposed to finish up the barn job today but it’s raining and supposed to turn to ice and freezing rain.  Not something you want to be out in.  Well… I guess I’ll be climbing a tree in it today, but you know, working in this would suck.  Climbing in it is kinda fun and very beautiful. 

As for my specialized skill, I almost got to use it.  A woman I met at the Mary Anderson Center contacted me to see if I could retrieve a remote controlled airplane that her son flew into the top of a tree in their yard.  I was going to go rescue it but that was right when I hurt my back.  Then the Ike storm blew it down anyway. 

On Wednesday evening I went to my weekly meet-up at U of L for parkour.  It was another damp and cold night.  We have been doing our best to try and find dry spots to train on so we don’t hurt ourselves.  In the process of exploring over by the Speed School I found a magnolia tree. 

I kept that in mind as we moved across campus.  When we were worn out and ready to leave I said I was going to climb that tree.  NJ and Richard joined me and we headed back over by the Speed School.  I was hoping they might climb with me since the first branches were pretty low.  But they opted not to and just watched.  I jumped into the branches and climbed up as high as I could.  Magnolia branches, though strong, are very bendable and often seem like they might snap under my weight. 

I made sure to distribute my weight between my holds as I picked my path to the my high spot.  Then I started to shoot pictures.  I did the typical routine of some with flash and some without of all my various angles out, down and up. 

Then I had NJ and Richard walk to an area where they were visible and took a picture of them. 

I hate to make people wait while I climb so once I finished shooting I quickly climbed back down so we could get going.  We walked back to the Arts building to get my bike and ended up standing in the cold talking for an hour anyway.  It was good bonding though.  The group of guys I trained with in Seattle didn’t seem to want to hang out after meet-ups.  It felt a little strange and cold.  I am getting to know these guys and it makes training way more fun.  And it might not just be all guys, some girls came out Saturday and they have some promise and could stick around for a while.  I hope they do.  Parkour is for everyone.