August 24, 2009 – WAAAAAAYYYY behind here. There are a couple reasons (or excuses) but the biggest one is that I got my new camera!!! The Casio Exilim FC-100:
I’ve taken so many pictures with this little guy I got overwhelmed with what I was going to have to do with them. Doesn’t help that I bought a 4GB SD card, filled it up, then bought a 16GB SD card and am on my way to filling that up. I love it though and can’t wait to start sharing many of the images and video (HIGH SPEED!) from this sweet photographic device. But, this second week of July is before the camera so this preface is a little bit of a tease.
So with out further ado, time to catch my butt up here.
DAY 826 07.08.09 – Sweet Gum on Pope Street on way to Biesel’s.
DAY 827 07.09.09 – Yancey shoot at Seneca with Norman, Drew, Natalie, and Shelly.
DAY 828 07.10.09 – Tulip Poplar at Norm’s Pizza Potluck. Scared Amadore.
(Also started the bonfire by shooting a flaming arrow from the top of the berm! Probably the coolest thing I’ve done in a while.)
DAY 829 07.11.09 – Tree in Park off Brownsboro with Natalie watching below. Strange man with son and three large dogs. I got to the top and Natalie felt uncomfortable.
DAY 830 07.12.09 – Sycamore on Adams just a half hour before midnight. I had a horrible headache and the short climb did me good. I walked away from the tree and waved to it, and said "Thanks, that’s exactly what I needed."
DAY 831 07.13.09 – Sugar Maple out in front of Barret Traditional Middle School with Natalie. Night, lots of dead limbs in the way.
DAY 832 07.14.09 – Red Maple in Tyler Park, night, lots of sturdy limbs that were very comfortable to hold onto. Tree has high mobility.
ps: Must give credit to Natalie Biesel for all of the photos from this week’s entry as they were shot by her. Thanks Nat!