DAY 354
TREE 186
Easter Sunday. Fun Fact: the next time Easter will be this early is 2228. It was cold today. The family and I got up, ate a nice egg breakfast and then went to a Methodist Church service. I chose to read the Bible instead of listening or participating. There are some crazy stories in Genesis.
When we got out the sun was out but it was still chilly. We hung out, ate again, and then said goodbye to Amy, Sean, and Mitchell. I decided I would head down to the Mellwood Arts Center to climb a tree. I called Will on the way to see if he wanted to hang out when I was done but he didn’t answer.
I pulled into the back of the parking lot and a movement caught my eye. I looked over just in time to see a huge gofer run underneath an old truck by the woods. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those that close before. They are bigger than I thought.
I walked over to my tree and that damn barking dog from my last climb here started barking at me again. Thank god he stopped once I started trying to get up the tree. I guess since he could see me he didn’t mind so much.

What I minded was this old white and maroon Suburban parked right underneath this tree.

I didn’t want anyone to walk up while I was there. But as I thought about it… if it’s an artist they probably wouldn’t care so much.
The beginning of the climb was the most difficult part. The trunk is really big around and the branches are high up. I hugged it as tight as I could then lifted my legs. As I inched up I gripped with my fingers into the rough bark. When I finally could reach the lowest limb my finger tips were red and tingling. I pulled myself up and began the upward climb. It all went well, just a little maneuvering around the occasional vine in the way.
I made it all the way to the top and got a secure stance as best I could in the thin, bending limbs.

I pulled off the ribbon

and saw that the sun was peaking out from underneath a heavy cloud.

I took all sorts of pictures from all angles,

focusing much of my attention on the skyline

and bridges in the distance.

The old conglomeration of buildings and towers that make up the Mellwood Arts Center were really cool too. I was hoping to see the gofer again but it was too well hidden.

Then I put my camera away and began to climb down. It went fine as well, only in this direction the vines kept grabbing my clothes and catching me up.
When I dropped to the ground I felt satisfied. Another successful climb and no one around to bother me or make me nervous. I guess it helps that it was Easter. Later, at Will’s, we played video games and at one point I looked out the window and saw huge, fat snow flakes. On Easter! Crazy spring weather.

3-30-09: I asked my mom if Amy, Sean, and Mitchell were planning on coming this Easter. No was the answer and I am quite disappointed. I guess I am just going to have to schedule my own visit.
Also, I think what I saw was a groundhog not a gopher (which I spelled wrong).
March 23rd 2009. Monday. I really wanted to get another Yancey photoshoot in so I called Natalie and she agreed to help me out. We waited till dark then went to Cherokee Park. We started at Dog Hill. The first tree I climbed was a maple I had climbed a few months ago. I remember it having many limbs low and close together. I thought it would lend itself to lots of easy movement. But the ice storm had claimed many of the limbs. As I went a few people walked by and commented that they liked my suit. I did a little self-promotion and continued on my climb. From there I did another climb up by the playground and bathroom building. The shots were coming out great but there were just so many cars and people going by.
We moved on down the loop to Hogan’s Fountain. As we searched for trees I spotted one full of white blossoms.

I usually try to find trees that are empty of any growth but I thought the white pedals might create a cool effect in the picture. So we set up and I got to my climb. In the middle a car stopped on the nearby road and told us to get moving on. It was a cop and he didn’t want us there. This was not a nice cop. He didn’t get out of his car, he just talked at us through his loud speaker. Then he drove on. I just finished the climb and figured we’d better get going since he’d probably make the rounds again. Two guys then came up and started talking to us about my suit they saw in the distance. I attract a lot of attention, I guess.
Natalie and I scouted for more trees but didn’t find anything great and just went back home. It was a good series of shots and I very much appreciate Natalie’s help. I can’t wait to see the pictures blown up.