DAY 344
TREE 173
I worked on typing up my entries some more today along with some other stuff. I also waited all day till after dinner to climb so that it was dark. I climbed in the light of a rainy day the last time. For this reclimb I wanted night and clear.
Or at least I was lucky to have those conditions today. And it was warm which was a bonus.
I got in my truck and drove over to the Cracker Barrel in La Grange.
At the light to turn left by the restaurant there was a truck pulled over by a cop. I pulled into the back right corner of the lot and got out. I walked back into the grass and kept a close eye on the cop as I crossed the off ramp of I-71.
Once over the guard rail I ran down the slope out of the cop’s view towards my tree. I didn’t feel like I had to really sneak, though. It was dark and I didn’t have on my bright clothing. I felt safe.
This tree is really a cinch to climb. The limbs start really low and have a nice gradual curve that makes for easy footholds. I worked my way up keeping and eye on that cop but it was gone soon after I started to climb. Then about 3/4’s the way up I saw his lights speeding down the road catching another car. This time they pulled into a nearby Chevron.
That is one busy cop. He must be trying to fill his quota tonight. It made me feel a little better that he’s so focused on the cars and not other things. Then it hit me… if I was spotted in the top of this tree right next to the interstate and lots of commercial businesses around, they might assume I’m a sniper. Just maybe. It made me a little nervous.
I reached the top and took out my camera and shot me some pictures.
Then I took down my ribbon
and stood there to enjoy the nice warm night. I gave Rickey a call and left him a message then I started to climb down.
I walked quickly back to my truck but got nervous when I saw a truck with lights above the cab, like a tow truck. Were they towing me? They weren’t. The truck just happened to be waiting behind mine with the engine on. I got in, pulled out and left. Another successful climb without hassle.
3-18-09: I have this vivid image in my head of being at the top of that tree talking to Rickey on the phone. One of those good memories of combining trees and friends into one moment.
I get so paranoid sometimes. (Looking back at me thinking I was getting towed, always assuming the worst.)
Friday, March 13th 2009. Second Friday the 13th in a row. But I didn’t feel unlucky at all. I hopped on my bike and headed down River Road to the Water Tower for an art opening. On the way I spotted a tree I have seen many times, but this time I called me to climb it.
(Sweet stretch limo, ay?)
I got off my bike and crossed the road, went through the weeds and leaned my bike against the trunk. I started to look for my entry and the lowest branch was huge and just out of reach from the ground. I backed up and saw a nice hole in the trunk I could use as a hand hold so I moved my bike out of the way and prepared to run up.
I grabbed the hole on my first try and then struggled around the massive trunk to get to the large branch. Some holds were iffy and I almost slipped, but didn’t. I made it, rotated around the branch and was in between the trunks.
My heart was pounding from the effort and fear and I gave myself a minute to calm. Then I wedged and wiggled my way up looking and solving the puzzle of this difficult climb. I tried one spot to advance upwards but that didn’t work so I had to move over to another spot. I spotted a knot on the tree and knew it was my only way up.
I grabbed it and hugged the trunk and managed to climb to the next branch. My heart was racing again and this tree was kicking my ass. These are the tough challenges I love. From there the branches started to taper to a width easier to manage.
I picked my path and climbed and shimmied to my high spot.
My clothes were covered in bark debris and I felt great. My heart rate was slowing again as I took a seat and got out my camera. Cars were racing past on the road below and I looked for the drivers eyes. Then I shot pictures of my surroundings.
I didn’t get to the top of this tree, but it still felt like a great accomplishment.
I sat a little while taking it all in, then started to climb back down.
The difficult spots were still a challenge on the way down but not as hard. What I was worried about was the last move back to the knot hole. I looked down at it from above and tried to find an alternate route.
I knew there was none and I was just going to have to do my maneuver in reverse. I lowered myself and knew immediately there was no way I could reach the hole. I had to drop, so I looked down at the weed covered ground and went for it. It wasn’t that far and the landing was fine. The monster was conquered and it felt good.