DAY 245

DAY 245
TREE 169

This was an awesome climb!  Another experience that was slightly scary but also expanded my abilities.  Today was a very cold day.  I got back from work, changed clothes, and figured I’d better go out and climb before it gets dark and unbearably cold.  Stupidly I wore only an undershirt and two hoodies… and pants of course.  I stepped out of the house and headed towards 393.  Back in 2003-4 when I was living with my parents, I had taken a walk down 393 and found a whole area of woods with a large creek and a rocky cliff.  It was a memorable day and I brought home a few animal skulls I found.  I just knew I’d find a good tree.  But once I got to the road the cold wind was awful.  It was blowing right through my sweatshirts.  I put my arms under my clothes and shivered down the side of the road.  Buses and cars would race by causing more wind to rush over me.  I was hoping for a good tree nearby just off the road.  I kept finding okay ones bu they didn’t call to me.  I have learned to wait for that feeling that I have when I see a tree and just know it’s the one I’ll climb.  So I walked on and tried to ignore the cold.  After a few minutes I spotted a sycamore, actually, it was a group of sycamores just off the road to the left.  There was a big lodge-like house just beyond.  I stepped down to the base of the trees and began to figure a path.  Nothing seemed to be possible and with all the leaves gone I felt too visible.  So, again, I continued on.  A few paces away was another sycamore closer to the road.  I began to climb up a smaller tree trunk to get to a bigger tree and an SUV stopped in the road.  I jumped down immediately and walked on down the road.  I think they were just turning but I bet they lingered to try and figure out just what the hell I was doing.  So I kept on. 

At the bottom of a hill, on the other side of the road, was a tall bare tree growing right next to a little rock formation.  That was it!  A path was visible.  I crossed the road and climbed onto the rock wall.  I reached my arms around the trunk and it had a nice rigid bark to grip.  A little soft and cork-like, but strong.  I shimmied up till I got a grip where the trunk split.  I worked my way up to stand on the split and reach for the first branch.  Then slowly I moved higher being very careful because I was cold and already pretty high up.  At some spots the few limbs I had seemed weak but I kept pushing it.  I am glad I did because I got o the top. 

It was such a great feeling to have conquered this difficult tree.  I did the usual, tied a ribbon and took pictures. 

Since I was at the bottom of the hill my pictures weren’t too spectacular, but interesting enough.  And though I was warm from the climb, I figured I shouldn’t stay up there too long.  I took my last look around then looked down. 

I used the same couple of steps in reverse to get down a few feet then stopped.  I realized that I could shimmy down easily because gravity would help.  It wouldn’t be slow and physically draining like going up.  It was risky so high up but I wrapped my legs and arms and began my slide.  I probably went twenty to twenty-five feet to the rock wall.  It was easy and amazing.  It got me so pumped I walked all the way back warm while singing Christmas music.  It just lifted my spirits and made my day.  It is so great because every time I pass that tree I’ll remember that climb and how it made me feel.  Good climb!

12-7-08:  The tree from the entry above was not the hardest by any means.  If I climbed it now it would be an easy tree.  But it was a first and it was clear at that time that it was a big step forward for me.  It was the first time I utilized shimmying so high up in a tree and all the way down.  I get these ideas in trees about movement that seem dangerous but possible.  And when I finally attempt the idea and realize it’s possible,  it is incredibly rewarding.  It made coming down from trees even easier.  At times it is difficult to reach branches as I move back down.  But after that tree I realized I didn’t need the branches.  All I had to do was squeeze tight and slide.  It made getting down a lot quicker too. 

Also, I believe it was Wham!’s Last Christmas I was singing.  At least that was one of them.  I love that song. 

On Thursday I started planning and sketching designs for a bike rack.  The city of Louisville is calling for artistic bike rack proposals and I think that would be an awesome project.  I got so into it I let time slip.  I even went to Drew’s office to see if I could get a mouse to make drawing on the computer easier.  When I finally decided to biked home it was sunset and I figured I’d climb the first tree I saw that looked decent.  I just crossed the tracks on Adams and saw a sycamore on the side of the road.  I leaned my bike up against the trunk and backed up sizing up my jump to reach the first branch.  I incidentally gave myself a bit of an obstacle by placing my bike right where I needed to run.  But I worked around it.  Parkour has taught me to overcome all my obstacles.  So I ran jumped and took a step off the trunk just above my bike frame then reached up and grabbed the branch.  Then dropped to the ground because I didn’t have a good grip.  This often happens.  I tried again and failed, then on the third time my hand stuck.  When I knew I had it I grabbed it with my other hand and lifted my leg to hook and rotate my body on top of the branch.  Once one my feet I climbed fast up the limbs to the top. 

The tree wasn’t too tall but once I settled my position I looked around and had an incredible view of downtown, the interstate, the bridges, everything. 

What a beautiful evening.  Even the damn billboard looked pretty to me. 

I looked straight up and there, in the clear dark blue sky was a half moon. 

The frigid weather of the day disappeared in my excitement and I was a shootingmachine.  Cars kept passing by underneath and I wondered if any noticed me, or at least my bike. 

I was dreading this climb because of the cold temperatures but I am glad I put it off to the moment I did.  What a great view.  When I finished my pictures I climbed down to go shower and get ready for 2$ pint night at the BBC Taproom.  That climb started off a real good night. 

I’ll leave you with a few more shots from the climb.  There were just so many, I wanted to include them all.