DAY 79

DAY 79

It is the day of my first show in Louisville. Actors Theatre’s The Late Seating: Endless Summer Party. I installed five bodies for the event and will be doing a performance/demonstration. After I installed and checked out the place for my next show I accidentally got onto the 2nd Street Bridge. I guess I forgot exactly which intersection I was in. But I went with it, had no choice really and decided to look for a park in Southern Indiana. Somewhere in Clarksville I found Colgate Aquatic Center and Park. I eyed this one large tree but as I went to grab the first branch a thorn poked me! So I looked for another tree not covered in sharp things. Not too far away was a huge tree of the camo-bark kind that I like. It looked like it had been struck by lightning at one point and had lots of dying or dead limbs. But with my climbing knowledge and know how I made it up pretty high. At one point I debated going higher ’cause that pretty much seems to be my main goal… to the tops. But I had to stop. I couldn’t risk putting all my weight on this one dead branch with a hard next reach. So I tied my tag and headed down feeling a little scared at the height and precariousness of my coming descent. When I reached the huge hollow in the trunk I noticed a raccoon inside. I quickly got out my camera and using the adjustable viewing screen I just stuck my hand over the hole to aim. I shot, with flash, looked at the image of a raccoon staring back at me. A little scared it may attack I quickly stuck my camera in my pocket and hurried the rest of the way down. Awesome experience! Good climb. Once back in my room I uploaded the picture of the coon and noticed two cubs. I was very lucky that raccoon didn’t attack. Whew!

6-24-08:  I love that first picture.  I have actually sold a print of that.  2 maybe.  The wood grain inside, the little raccoons, the glaring eyes… It’s just so perfect.  I really can’t wait to show you the pictures from the second interaction I had with a raccoon, but you’ll have to wait till March ’09.

All right, where are we… ah, I shall discuss my climb on Saturday 6-21.  Still in California, Ben follows me just around the corner of his block to a Ginko Biloba tree I had spotted a few days earlier.  I felt I could climb it with him video taping me.  On my own I was afraid I would get yelled at since the tree is right next to an apartment complex and I didn’t want to get accused of being a peeping tom.  This ginko was a great climb, I got up really high and I really love the ginko leaves.  Such a beautiful green with a unique structure.  The video is a little shakey at times.  I guess Ben had some trouble keeping a steady hand, and well, I don’t he even tried when he was walking to change angles.