DAY 80
TREE 89After uninstalling my bodies at Actors Theatre and dropping a couple off at DIG! I drove to Tyler Park off Baxter Avenue. I had heard of the park and recently had driven past it on my way to Joe Creason Park. It turned out to be a bigger and nicer park than I expected. A path went under Baxter into a whole other section with a bathroom, playground, and walking path. The side I parked on had a field, playground, and tennis courts. The trees there varied in size and type but many looked huge. I did a lot of inspecting around the whole park before I chose my tree. I tried one where I had use the overhanging branch but stopped when I heard cracking. Another seemed like a possibility until I found it covered in ants, which were destroying it from the inside. On the way to my decided tree I climbed the old stonewall upto the street using a big, old tree for help. I crossed the street and got into a tree and climbed down to the other side. Then I climbed a small tree to hide my camera so it wouldn’t get in the way of climbing the other tree. At the base I took a run up, took one leaping step off the trunk and was able to grab a hold of that first branch in one try. That is rare. From there the climb was fast and easy with always the perfect limb for the next move up. I got to the top, tied, and then swayed in the small limbs enjoying the movement. I climbed down, easy as it was up, jumped to the ground and then raced up the small tree to fetch my camera. A very nice day with thunderstorms looming. And climbing one tree a day is good, but more is better.
6-24-08: I might be getting a little tired of blogging. But I will push through. I never want to get back up again. So for those of you who don’t realize, I have posted and will post 5 entries today so feel free to scroll down and catch up.
So… I will now discuss my climb from Sunday the 22nd. The Solstice I believe. Ben’s roommate Noah discovered my tree climbing interest, looked at my blog, and asked to join me in my climb for the day. We walked back to the area by the creek where I had climbed on Thursday and found another tree of the same kind. We had to trudge through this ivy that had spider webs all through it which was… well not that bad really. I climbed, Noah watched, and then I took some pictures. No video. I also don’t have much to say about it. It was a pretty easy climb, which is what I was looking for. It was one of those climbs that feel like I was just getting my tree out of the way. Which I was because I had to get my plane soon. So pictures: