DAY 69
TREE 75Like last week, I went to my meeting on Frankfort Avenue and then drove over to Hogan’s Fountain in Cherokee Park to use the restroom. From there I walked along the road back towards Dog Hill. I didn’t get too far before I found a tree along the side of the road that called to me. I saw it and truly felt drawn to it. It was big, tall, with many branches, but few enough to make it a good challenge. And this type of tree has become my favorite for its consistency of good climbing trees. I had to jump to grab this tiny little limb, but it held long enough for me to grab the next branch. The lowest branches made for a pretty easy climb, but about midway they thinned out before the main trunk split into five or six strong arteries. With my increasing repertoire of holds, foot positions, and courage I pushed pass some difficult stretches. Once in the top I picked one artery and got as high as I could stand comfortably and tied my tag. Like I often do, I looked around the other branches, down to the ground, spit for distance, and found a path within the top limbs. Without hesitation I started to move towards the next main artery, then the next. Then I climbed up, looked around again and noticed I was higher than my previous tag, so I tied again. I left both so that my next attempt at this tree, I’ll remember how nice this treetop lends itself to lateral mobility. It could be great for a high tree fort. The climb down was fine, remembering my maneuvers up at the difficult areas to help myself get down. Fun climb.
6-12-08: Maryliz gave me an incredible compliment yesterday. She said she has seen clear improvement in the writing of my journal entries. I very much appreciate that. Now is about the time these entries start getting longer. I hope they are keeping your interest.
Also, quick note… if you have a MAC and you are using FireFox, you will have trouble loading my blog. Try Safari and it will load fine. I hope that didn’t turn too many people away. In other news…
3 cheers for Homeopathy! HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!!
Rachel is just about to finish her 4th year of Naturopathic Medical School in Portland, OR. She has really gotten into homeopathy and recommended a remedy for me the other day. Well, after my shift at Zephyr Gallery yesterday, I ran over to Whole Foods and picked it up and began taking it. My legs were horribly swollen, purple, itchy, painful, burned, mangled, gangrened and she said if I don’t see a change in a day try a different one. So I popped those little balls of magic under my tongue 3 times and later that night went to sleep. I slept for a solid 10 hours and when I awoke my legs looked almost back to normal. The itch is gone, the swelling is down, the patches of rash have gone way down, the coloration is close to normal… it is just amazing.
And thank god, because at parkour yesterday Basil, who also has poison ivy, told me his solution. He comes up to me and he says,”You take a brillo pad, rough it up a little bit, put some iodized salt in your hand and put in on the spot. It sucks but it’s better than having the rash.” I passed on that idea. I thought it sounded like self-inflicted torture.
After Parkour I drove over to Cherokee Park to climb a tree before going home. I parked at Frisbee Field and climbed a tree I have long looked at but have never climbed. It always seemed too easy and too short a tree to be satisfying. But in my ailing state, it was perfect. I got to the top, the moon light was shining through the leaves, and it was nice. Pics and a video, two bits!