DAY 74

DAY 74

Today was Father’s Day and the Ohio Valley Creative Energy picnic. I went to my parents’ and had a nice breakfast and played some billiards. Then I headed back to Mount St. Francis. Down at the shelter by the lake there were people making art, eating, and playing games. A band was playing and I saw some people from high school that I had not seen for quite some time. I drank some good beer and enjoyed the hot day. As I was walking down the drive towards the lake I noticed a very large tree with perfect branches that go all the way to the tippy top. But so much vine growth covered the trunk I couldn’t see its signature camouflage-like bark. The first step was tricky but luckily there was a sturdy vine I could climb like a rope to the first limb. Once there it was pretty easy going up and up. I picked the best path once the trunk ended and I continued my upward push. At the very top I paused and repositioned my body to have a nice seat. I looked around and listened to the band play. I had an amazing view so high up. I was hoping that Michelle, Devin, or Casey would walk by so I could yell their name and confuse them. I waited for a while but no one came by. The climb down was fun and I got incredibly sweaty, dirty, and covered in this cottony substance. I sure was stinky but that was just a beautiful climb on a beautiful day.

6-17-08:  OVCE or Ohio Valley Creative Energy is an awesome project.  
Started by Lori Beck, the idea is to build a community based hot shop
with glass, pottery, and metal shops whose equipment runs off methane
from the ground. They are planning to build the place over an old
landfill so the methane is plentiful, the place is environmentally
friendly, sustainable, and teaches and enriches the local community.
If you haven't heard about it, get into, support it, and go to their
events to help make this thing a reality.

Yesterday I moved into the apartment downtown. It is awesome to be on
my own. Finally! I'm 27 and this is the first time I am in my own
place. I set up the place real fast and enjoyed a beer on my deck.
Then I walked to the Henry Clay Building to meet Julio and have dinner.
Later we went to the waterfront park to find a tree to climb. There
aren't a lot of tall trees around but I picked the tallest tree in this
one spot near the great lawn where tons of people were playing ultimate.
I scrambled up this sweet gum tree and Julio watched. I got the very
top and there were little green spikey seed pods all over. I started
trying to peg Julio and I think I got him twice. I took some pictures
but struggled to stay still enough to get a nice shot. The wind was
tossing me pretty good up there.