DAY 75

DAY 75

WHOA! Scary climb in a big tree. It sits just in front of this little sitting area at the beginning of a trail right as you drive into the Mount St. Francis property. Coming up to it I could tell the branches would be great for climbing. But as I got close I found that there were no reachable limbs. I checked the trunk for knots, just one and not enough to get anywhere. Then I tested overhanging limbs and all seemed to start to crack under my weight. I went from sitting on the bench to trying the trunk to testing these branches for 15 or 20 minutes. I was about ready to move on but I wanted this tree badly. I tried the limbs one more time and one was promising. I lifted my whole body and it held so I quickly took advantage. Getting up on the branch was hard because my arms had become so tired from all the testing. But I knew the longer I hung there struggling the worse it would be. So once on top of this branch I rested. Then I rested again on the next, trying to let my arms hang and relax. Then I went for it. Higher and higher, against better judgment I continued upward using methods I don’t necessarily like to use for their lack of a “plan B” grip. Squeezing the trunk with arms and legs and inching up. But I got high and there was a beautiful view. My thoughts of death were constant until that high point where I relaxed. I did it and I knew the climb down was possible, inevitable, and going to be easier than the up. And it was. Using my same movements in reverse I was down in no time. Very exhilarating, scary, crazy fun, challenging climb. It feels like such an accomplishment to climb something so large and, at first, seemingly impossible. But with strategy and my ever-increasing ability, I did it.

6-18-08:  i am sitting in Ben's room in Palo Alto this
evening! It's great to be out here to see him. Even though I've had
a long day of travels with a flight from Louisville to Chicago, then
Chicago to LA, then LA to San Jose. What a trip!!! More to come...

After I climbed the tree above this day one year ago I was spotted by an
artist resident who happened to be walking the grounds as I came down.
He asked about my art, was intrigued and asked me to dinner. I told
him all about climbing trees as we ate mexican cuisine. He was awful
nice, makes me wonder...

So, YESTERDAY I climbed this amzaing trio of trees. I must let the
videos tell the story, but I will reiterate how crazy it was that the
night before I had a conversation with Julio about "the best" climb.
If I would know it, what would it mean. Well I have to say that
yesterday's climb was the best to date. Honestly. So here's why
(video and pics):