DAY 76

DAY 76

Three days ago when I went to Joe Creason Park I found this perfect tree by the swings in the playground area. And since it was raining today, I knew the abundance of limbs on the tree would make for a safe and comfortable climb with minimal risk. Luckily when I got to the park the rain had stopped and only the trees continued to sprinkle. I walked around a little first to make sure that the tree I had in mind was just right. When I approached it there was only one other person around. An older man was reading in the gazebo about fifty feet from the tree. I walked quietly and climbed slowly and carefully. Getting in and up was very easy with so many branches to choose from. Some places were so full I had to snake through to continue. The limbs were very wet and slippery and I got the sense that if my feet slipped my hands wouldn’t be able to grip tight enough not to fall so I made every foothold a good, secure one. I made it all the way to the top. The colder weather from the rain was nice and it made for a grey, hazy horizon. And from this vantage point I could see the Louisville skyline. I took some pictures and enjoyed my comfortable seat. The needly leaves growing from the branches brushed up against me and gently sprinkled the cool water on me. It was very refreshing. As I climbed down I chose to go on the opposite side I had climbed up. This kind of tree is just perfect and it was a satisfying and beautiful climb.

6-19-08:  I got some really good pictures from that climb.  The one just above I used on my postcard and poster for my show.  The show was last September and featured a selection of photographs and entries from the first 90 days.  This was definitely one of the entries I featured.  My thoughts about why the pictures came out so well was the lighting.  Since we had so many bright, sunny days last summer a lot of my pictures had high contrast.  This was one of the few cloudy days which made for rich colors and great detail. 

Also, Basil climbed this tree to the top the other day.  I would very much appreciate his input on the experience.  So, Basil, if you would… please leave a comment and share with us your thoughts.

And, yesterday after a nice bowl of drunken noodles with Ben in downtown Palo Alto I climbed a magnolia tree right off the sidewalk.  It wasn’t crazy big, or too challenging, but it was a good climb.  Ben filmed the experience and did quite the nice job narrating it.  Please notice the nice hair poof I’m sporting.  I think I’m trying for some Big Boy, Archie, rock-a-billy thing.  And, of course, Ben is hillarious.