TREE 9This has been my scariest climb. And I was only up about 10 feet or so. But it was climbing the hanging vines that made it so scary. You never know how well they are attached. I always worry that they will snap and I’ll fall. Once up the vine I had to reach to another vine hugging the trunk. Then I stepped onto a dead, hollow branch, that again, made me nervous. I was so preoccupied with visions of falling that I forgot to tie my orange ribbon on the tree. It seems the scariest and most challenging are most often remembered. Damn cold today.
And here is another video from yesterday. It’s double time but it’s still slow. I should have put it on 5x time lapse. Oh well, enjoy. TS
I am not sure about you, so I asked the world:;_ylt=AnnTJNBQczYyWVqkHOa3E3kjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080412092734AALLY17
That link does not appear to work. Just type “Friend climbing a tree everyday” and look for rick2234’s question at this site:
After the crotch
How do you decide which way to continue or not when the tree splits?
Re: After the crotch
Which ever side looks like I can get higher. As the year went on my ability to find a path through the branches from the ground increased, so often I had my route planned out already. Other times if I climb one side thinking it will take me higher but I get stuck or I was mistaken, I will climb back down to the split and take the other side. I always feel that the more branches I encounter, the more I move around in a tree, the more rewarding the experience. If I can climb down a different way than I came up, that is preferred.